› Sage Discernment
Sage Discernment is for CEO’s of Medium and Large Organizations who are looking to turn their organization around.
This process is designed for:
CEO’s who are ready to move beyond where their organization currently is. They are looking for a new way to lead and make decisions that have a transformational effect on their organization.
CEO’s who know their organization is struggling and need a new way to solve their organizations issues. They’ve tried what they know and have not seen the results that they need in order to turn their organization around.
any CEO who understands what Einstein meant when he said “We cannot solve problems from the same Consciousness that created them.” They are looking for that new consciousness from which to solve their problems. This new conscousness is reached through inner awaking and self-awareness.
Clients need Lovas Consulting when:
They are looking for a new and transformational way to lead, communicate and take their organization to new levels.
They have problems they need to solve, and they have not been able to solve them. They aren’t clear what the right questions are, in order to get the right answers.
They want to differentiate their company and attract more customers in a positive and impactful way.
They want a more diverse, productive, engaged employee base, and they’re not sure how to do it.
They need to:
– Generate ideas,
– Create solutions to problems, and
– Create new opportunities.
Areas of concern include:
– Hiring & retention / Employee satisfaction & engagement
– Consumer expectations – ordering & shipping
– Marketplace competition – vertical integration
– Virtual workspace vs return to the office.
– Market Oversaturation, too many choices, not enough differentiation

What you can expect from working with Lovas Consulting
An organization that is moving forward, clear that they are focused on the correct areas, in alignment with their values and constituents (this includes employees, customers, suppliers, and anyone who might be tangentially touched and impacted by the organization.)
Meetings and or strategy sessions are conducted in such ways in which everyone is able to be who they are, letting go of their fears and moving into alignment with the whole team. From this place of alignment comes the opening from which to create a new future for the organization, a new future that is whole and complete, and benefits all who are impacted or touched by the organization.
Employees embrace plans and decisions as their own and are empowered to act.
Imagine what would be possible for your organization if decision making and strategic planning sessions produced results like that?
You would know how to generate new ideas and create the space to implement those ideas.
What makes this unique or different?
Sage Discernment creates alignment between leaders and their groups through the ability of the whole group to access the group mind and release the potential of the group. In quantum physics, this is called the field of infinite possibility.
This prevents disagreements or dissensions from erupting because everyone is focused on what they want instead of what is best for all.
As long as this dissension continues nothing new or transformational is going to transpire in your organization. Instead when you are stressed, or in fear, your ability to think in new and creative ways is very limited.
The work I do with Sage Discernment opens you up and moves you out of fear, anxiety, and other low-level feelings that are not constructive to transformational thinking and ideas. As you let go of the negative and open your consciousness, you gain access to the field of infinite possibility which allows you to create new and transformational thoughts and opportunities.