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Transformation Strategic Process
This is a new paradigm thinking in which to solve new paradigm problems.
Transformation Strategic Process is designed to support an organization through a successful transformation. Transformation Strategic Planning is a new way of thinking that radically changes the way strategic planning is done. After going through this process, your leadership team and key members will have a much clearer sense of where you want to go, what the beginnings of the transformation will look like and how to begin
moving the organization through the change. Just as important you’ll be able to articulate and
communicate this transformation to your employees and include them in the process.

Transformation is a process not an event.
Signs that your organization is ready to transform.
– Aware of the cultural and societal changes.
– Questioning how we can create a more engaging,
productive workplace.
– Wondering what’s next.
– Dissatisfaction with the status quo.
Signs that an organization is in need of transformation.
– Loss of market share.
– Increase in competition.
– Decrease in customer satisfaction.
– Increase in employee dissatisfaction.
– New technology
– Changes in social and cultural norms
With transformation comes the opportunity to become the leading innovator and market disruptor in your industry. Think about what that will mean to you as a leader and to your organization. Click here to find out more.
This work is an expansion of my current Strategic Planning Process and incorporates new and emerging processes that are designed to create personal internal transformation while creating organizational transformation.
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning is critical to your business’s success. This is your chance to bring your executive team together and realign the work you’re planning to do for the next year with your vision and mission.
No matter what is going on in your business this is your chance to get away to, step out of the day-to-day and make room for the next stage of business growth.
Did you know that 95% of new ideas are generated in non-work settings? By having an off-site Strategic Planning session you and your team will be able to set the stage for those new ideas.
To find out more and talk to Jane about scheduling a Strategic Planning session send an email to jlovas@lovasconsulting.com or call 703.981.3157 and see if this is the right
step for your organization.
Sage Discernment: Diving deep within for the answers
Sage Discernment is a unique process that takes you deep within to access your inner guidance. You’ll use your intuition to powerfully co-create the question and vision along with the beginning action steps to take. Leave with a Clear Vision and your Next Steps. This process works equally well for individuals or groups.
For Individuals:
A one-on-one process in which you are guided through a series of 12 questions that help you go within and hear your inner guidance. Individual Sage Discernments are scheduled for 90 minutes. You also have the option of adding additional sessions to complete the planning and follow-up to ensure that the plan put into action.

For Teams or Groups:
The team/group process is unique in that it enables the team to access the group mind and come to a collective answer to the problem. This process is different from most problem-solving models in that it does not involve a majority decision, compromise, or convincing. When the group’s intention is to be willing to the process then an answer or decision arises that everyone is in alignment with. Group Sage Discernments are scheduled for 4 hours, along with 3 or 4 accountability follow calls. This ensures that there is time for everyone to feel heard and the group’s consciousness to arise.
Sage Discernment are unique in that they support the team in making a decision even when it seems like individuals are not in agreement.

Creating a Transformational Organization
Where is your business – is it soaring or limping along?
Are you stuck someplace in your business? Don’t be surprised; most of us get stuck at various times. One of the main areas CEOs find themselves stuck is in feeling overwhelmed and alone. Another area is when your leadership team isn’t working well together, or when employee morale and turnover are impacting your organization’s productivity and thus your bottom line.
How I work with you to ensure your business is Transforming and Learning.
Think about the impact your company would make in your market if your organization was able to transform and co-create to meet new challenges, so of which you’re not even aware of today. Where could you go if your leadership team was a high-functioning team and working smoothly together? What could you do with a group of motivated and innovative employees who are as invested in your company as you are?
You‘d have a Transforming and Learning Organization – one in which you feel as though momentum has really kicked in and everyone is moving on the same path, easily accomplishing the goals that are taking you towards your vision. Together, using Transformation Intensives, we can make this all happen for your company.
How a Transformation Intensive works.
- Your Transformation Intensive is designed specifically for you. It’s based on The Clarity Focus Release™ Model and tailored to the situation now. We work together to design and implement the plan, ensuring that all stakeholders are included and everyone is in alignment.
- Using The CLARITY FOCUS RELEASE™ model we’ll determine what the ideal outcome is, what your strategy is, and how to achieve it. Essentially, we’ll work to understand what you need, provide you guidance on what you need to do, and then provide the coaching and support to make sure it happens.
- Between sessions, we’ll review what you’re doing, what’s working, and what might do done differently. We’ll work as partners to ensure the transformation happens.
The Next Step
If you think ready for a change in your organization, one that will last send me an email at jlovas@lovasconsulting.com or call me at 703.981.3157. I’ll respond within one business day or less to schedule a complimentary Business Focus Session so I can learn more about you and your situation, challenges, and goals.