Why would I be interested in The Sky’s the Limit Business Transformation Program?

Your business has been on a fast track to growth and yet you’re currently sensing a loss of energy and vitality in your organization. Most areas of your business are working well and there are areas that are not working as well.

If everything is working well in your business this is the perfect time ask yourself “What’s next? What new mountain can we climb?” How can we look at our vision in a new and expanded way?

On the other hand if things aren’t working as well as you’d like and you’re struggling, you’re likely standing at the foot of the mountain asking yourself, “How do I climb this mountain?” 

Either way these are likely some of the thoughts running through your mind:

Where did my Big Bold Powerful Vision of how I was going to change the world go?

I want my employees to care and be fully engaged in what they are doing, not cogs in a wheel. In fact, what I really want is a company of geniuses.

What goals and planning do we need that will propel us up this mountain and onto the next one?

I want an organization filled with vulnerable, creative, powerful leaders and I don’t know how to create that.

There is always change going on (whether it’s a merger, acquisition, new leadership, new service offerings, reorganization, customer dissatisfaction, new processes or you name it), and it never quite seems to have the impact I envisioned.  How do I change that?

What you want running your business to be like:


You enjoy getting up every day, spending time at your office and interacting with your staff, clients and vendors. 

You love the challenges that come with business and you’re able to solve them while creating space for new ideas. 


You want this to be a game in which everyone wins! 


You love getting up in the morning excited and ready to work, knowing your employees are also excited to come to work.  You arrive at your office and you feel the energy and power coming from a group of creative people who know why they are there, what they are doing and most importantly why they are doing it.

You share with your clients, vendors and community and they know what your goals are and are as committed to your reaching them as you are.

When challenges arise (which they will) you know what to do, how to engage everyone, create a plan and move into action.

You trust everyone to honor their word and magic is accomplished on a regular basis.


Best of all everyone is winning the game you’ve chosen to play.


If you think this is a dream… It is! And more, it’s your business running as smooth as a dream team, with everyone playing at the top of their game.

The solution: The Sky’s the Limit Business Transformation Program

  • Through this program you’ll expand or reconnect with your vision and re-engage and enroll every member of your organization with your vision and the impact you want to have. You’ll share how you see them supporting this vision and being supported by it. As your staff and employees connect their visions with your vision they will embrace your vision as their vision and begin to see that they are also responsible for accomplishing it.
  • A transformed culture will arise out of this work, a place where people want to work and are supported in doing their best work. One where challenges and issues are dealt with openly, powerfully and effectively.
  • Your clients, vendors and community will know you as an organization that plays a big winning game, one that includes them.


Why this works

  1. As a leader you have a clear vision and you’ll be able to share it with vulnerability thus engaging everyone. Then you’ll know what actions to take to create your vision.
  2. There is a culture of communication, openness and authenticity such that issues are acknowledged and powerfully dealt with before they have a chance to become major problems.
  3. Your employees, clients, vendors and community all feel valued and know that they are critical to the overall success of the organization.

How we partner together

Once we decide to partner together we’ll do the pre-work necessary to have a 2 Day Leadership Retreat.  

Leadership Retreat

  • At the Leadership Retreat we’ll begin by re-presencing you and your executive leadership team to your Vision and Mission through the creation of a Vision Mission Map.
  • Once we have a clear Vision Mission Map we’ll use Sage Discernment™, a powerful decision making process,
    • to cause a new level of engagement,
    • to identify the current identity of the organization
  • We’ll transition into the creation of the Five Year Plan.

Your Vision and Mission Map, your culture and Five Year Plan creates your North Star that will guide you towards your Vision and support you in accomplishing your Mission.

  • As we wrap up the Retreat we’ll create your Organizational One Year Plan.

This plan is the mountain range in the horizon, you’re consistently moving towards it and it gets bigger and clearer every day. 

After the retreat we’ll have an All Hands meeting where you’ll share the Vision and Mission Map along with the Five Year Plan and Organizational Annual plan.

The All Hands meeting will be followed by Division meetings, where your primary job (as the CEO) is to listen. The intention of these meetings is the enrollment of every member of your organization in this new future.  

In the weeks following the Retreat I’ll work with each member of your executive leadership team and their team to ensure ongoing enrollment, and create their Divisional Annual Plans.

Once the Divisional Annual Plans are created each Division Leader will indentify an individual to be the Accountability and Commitment (A&C) coach, this individual will be part of the initial cohort of coaches who will be trained and supported to coach the members of their division. Each year a new cohort of coaches will be enrolled and trained; and supported by the previous year’s cohort.  

Each quarter I will lead you and your executive team in a review of the Annual Plan and the creation of a 90 Day Plan for the Organization. During this time I will also be there to facilitate and observe as each Division Chief and their lead managers create their Divisional 90 Day Plans.

To create an organization in which The Sky’s The Limit it’s important to have the right folks doing the right work. To do this will look at what roles and jobs your employees have and confirm they are in the right role and job, and they are engaged and empowered.  To begin this work we’ll have with each employee create their job description and responsibilities, along with their skills, gifts and talents matrix. 

Every step of the way we will be listening to what employees are saying or not saying and how everything we are doing is impacting their day to day jobs.  We’ll ensure that everyone is acknowledged while at the same time they are creating a new future.

As all of this is occurring you’ll be facilitating a weekly PAAC meeting (Planning, Accountability, Action and Communication) with your executive leadership team to ensure that there is momentum being generated and that you’re resolving issues.

At the beginning of the program I will be there personally to help create and facilitate the 2 day Annual Retreat along with facilitating the creation of the Divisional Annual Plans.

I will also be there each month. At this time we will have ½ day Leadership Team meeting where we will review progress and deal with issues, along with a 1 hour coaches training.    

Each member of the leadership team will have a monthly 1 hour coaching call focused on their commitments, challenges and accountabilities (C2A).

In addition to their C2A’s these coaching sessions will focus on the leadership traits that move an organization forward.  These include listening, delegation, enrollment, engagement and integrity.  


You will receive also receive the following

  • A private link where you can schedule a 15 minute coaching call with me on any issue or idea any time.
  • Free participation in my CEO Leadership Roundtable quarterly calls.

In addition each member of your organization will receive

Electronic access to my personal with a vision Annual Planner (includes annual planner, 90 day planner and daily commitment & accountability sheets and more.)

If at this point you are interested in The Sky’s the Limit, Business Transformation Program

and how it can create a new and expanded vision and culture, along with new structures to engage and empower your organization in breaking through its current barriers keep reading.

This program is not for the faint of heart.  I’m going to ask you to play a big new game and then enroll your employees in joining you in playing. You have to be ready to give up any illusion of control and invite your employees to join you and take on a critical role in your organizations success.

A true leader is one who is looking forward, seeing a new future, blazing the trail, and ensuring that everything in the way is removed.  This space then allows those following to do what they do best and in support of the mission.  You job as the leader is to make it as easy as possible for everyone to be a genius.

I now invite you to reach out for a complementary The Sky’s the Limit Business Transformation Strategy session and breakthrough the barriers that are stopping you from moving forward and creating a new future.

In this session we’ll explore what’s important to you, where you want to go, what’s working and what’s not working.  You’ll identify what results you’d like to see for your organization.  Then you’ll ask yourself “Are you ready to commit to doing what it will take to create what you’re looking for?” there is no going back once you start. Finally we’ll look at whether this program would be a good fit for you and your organization.

This session will last about an hour by phone.  This conversation is about you, for you.  No matter what the outcome you’ll leave with a clearer sense of what’s important to you and a new possibility for the future. 



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